CyberSecurity 101: Attacks, Concepts, and Techniques

Veourn Leakhena is the General Manager at Sunrise Institute and is dedicated to training the next generation of IT experts. Today we have had the chance to listen to her expertise and advice in her presentation called CyberSecurity 101: Attacks, concepts, and…Read More

The Essential Steps to Startup Success

Originally from Moldova, Victor Logos is an entrepreneur who has been living in Cambodia for 2 years. He is the founder and CEO of Cambo, an online, digital platform for grocery delivery. Instead of opening his session with success stories about Cambo,…Read More

Opening Session of Cambodia ICT Camp

Open Development Cambodia is pleased to host the Cambodia ICT Camp 2018. Cambodia ICT Camp 2018 is a five-day event built around the main themes of Open Source for Good, Social Innovation, Open Data for Sustainable Development, and Cybersecurity. The hands-on workshops,…Read More

Success stories of 2017 Innovation Seed Grants

As we are approaching Cambodia ICT Camp 2018, we reflect on last years Mekong region wide camp. In 2017, five projects were selected from the Lower Mekong Region to receive funding from the Mekong ICT Camp called Seed Grant Innovation Funds…Read More

Cambodia ICT Camp 2018: Cambodia’s First-Ever Computing Camp

Cambodias first-ever computing camp, the five-day Cambodia ICT Camp, will be held in Siem Reap next week. At Open Development Cambodia, we are excited to facilitate knowledge sharing on the important topics of cyber security, open-source software, social innovation and the …Read More