Opening Speech by Mr. MOK Khemera, Director of Department of e-Government of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Opening Speech by MR. MOK Khemera, Director of Department of e-Government of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
During the Opening Ceremony
The 1st Cambodia ICT Camp 2018
At Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center
17 December 2018
Good Morning!
- Mr. Thy Try, Executive Director of Open Development Cambodia.
- Mr. Norbert Klein, Board member, Open Development Cambodia.
- Ms. Pyrou Chung, Senior Advisor, Open Development Initative-East-West Management Institute.
- Ms. Puangchomphu Rammuang, Resource Mobilization Manager, Thai Fund Foundation.
- And all participants of the Cambodia ICT Camp 2018.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, to join you today at the 1st Cambodia ICT Camp 2018. Let me first thank to Open Development Cambodia, USAID, Development Innovations and East-West Management Institute for organizing this important event. The Cambodia ICT Camp 2018 is focusing on four thematic areas: Cybersecurity, Open Source for Good, Open Data for Sustainable Development and Social Innovation.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
Allow me to start by making an obvious statement: technology helps us achieve a better future. It provides access to education, promotes freedom of speech; it connects people worldwide and enables essential services. There is increasing evidence of the strong link between internet connectivity and social and economic progress. Technology also acts as a great global equalizer. Internet empowers people in all corners of the world, young and old, rich and poor.
The Political Platform of the Royal Government of the Sixth Legislature of the National Assembly along with Rectangular Strategy Phase 4 focuses on “Socio-Economic Policy Agenda” with the goals for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency with expanded scope refined and reprioritized sides of the four strategic rectangles with improved policies and implementation mechanisms, in which will be, in term of diversifying economy, taking full advantages of technological development and digitalization especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Technological advancement in the current stage of industrial revolution 4.0 will result in the creation of new kinds of jobs and businesses. Digital economy, which is advancing very quickly, will provide a great opportunity for Cambodia to improve its economic structure, thanks to the penetration rates of cellular mobile and internet users.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
Let’s move on to the security measures being undertaken by the Government to defend against emerging security threats. To safeguard the advancement of industry 4.0 and digital economy, the Government attaches great importance to cybersecurity. We established a measure of governance and risk management to ensure that our IT security management is on par with standards. To ensure that government departments are well prepared to defend against cyberattacks, we have put in place a set of “Government IT Security Guidelines” for their compliance. The guidelines have been regularly updated by adopting the standards and industry best practices.
Raising awareness of information security among staff members is instrumental to enhancing the overall information security level in the Government. Our technical officersand staff from General Department of ICT have been conducting security awareness, training and education programs to raise our staff’s awareness and knowledge, and entrench the good practices to safeguarding classified and personal data. For the promotion of public awareness, ICT Security Department has set up Telegram group, the InfoSec-ISAC Cambodia and the Cyber Security Information Portal to provide the latest tips, practical advice and guidelines on guarding against cyberattacks. We have also made good use of different promotion channels, including social media, radio broadcasting, posters and pamphlets, etc., to reach out to our target audiences. In addition, we have organized public seminars and forums for the different sectors of the society, thus improving the overall awareness in protecting their computer systems and information assets.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing. It is becoming more and more diversified and sophisticated. Thus, the availability of cyber threat information is crucial in defending cyberattacks. The Government of Cambodia has established the Computer Emergency Response Team dedicated to coordinate the handling of cyber security incidents for the Government. Moreover, the team maintains close corporate with other regional Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to facilitate timely sharing of such information. In particular, the sharing of cyber threat information with local and overseas parties as well as the adoption of emerging security technologies are paramount in timely identifying the threats to prevent and counter cyberattacks.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
Cybersecurity is a matter at all levels: global, regional, governmental, organizational and individual. Cyber threats are borderless and ever-evolving. To stay in an advantageous position in the battle against cyber threats, we need to forge closer ties with professional bodies and organizations, continuously monitor the ever-changing cyber threats, and explore feasible preventive and counter measures.
Open Source for Good: Spend money on the social mission, not the software. Open source is the best for all. “Open” refers to encouraging collaboration and the development of technology, solving real-world problems. How can non-profit organizations and individuals utilize free and open source software and technology will be explored in this even.
Social Innovation: A space for thinkers and technologists to focus on ideas and solutions that create social value. Together with facilitators, participants will collaborate and learn how to invent, secure support for, and implement novel solutions to social needs and problems. Create a new application for social impact. The Social Innovation track will guide you with processes of social business and startup styles, explore tools, and invent new solutions for the health, education, agriculture, and other sectors.
Open Data for Sustainable Development: This track will not make you a data scientist. How can open data nerds and designers utilize open data to overcome development challenges? This theme looks at tracking and measuring social development progress. How can you apply open data to help make the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality? The master classes, the hands-on guidance, and tools will help you learn and use open data for improved development program.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
- What we should keep “come together and doing together”?
- Share Cambodia e-Government Strategic Plan 2023, vision, strategic plan, e-Government Framework and each component, benchmark of e-Government Framework Implementation and Components and sub components of e-Government Framework, Enterprise Architecture Initiative and National Portal Initiative.
- I do call for keeping together on establishing e-Government policy for Cambodia including eGovernment framework, data governance framework.
Taking this into account, I do support “the 1st Cambodia ICT Camp 2018“. Our experts will share their experiences and related best practices with participants from government institutions and universities.
I wish all of you every success, and this workshop the 1st Cambodia ICT Camp 2018 a rewarding and fruitful one.
I would like to declare “the 1st Cambodia ICT Camp 2018” open and wish our distinguished guests, friends, students, colleagues pleasant stay in the Kingdom of Wonders, in the historical land of Angkor Wat.
Thank you!