Chhin Chhaya
Chhaya Chhin is the Founder of Puttik Information and Media platform. Recently, he is working in one of the United Nation Agencies in Cambodia. He has experience of more than 8 years working in the radio industry work and over seven years working in the legal sector based on human rights with various International and National Organizations. He was a member of the Fair Trial Rights Club of the first generation in 2011, run by UNOHCHR and the Defense Support Section, which provided in-depth knowledge of the application of fair trial rights at the Extraordinary Chambers in Court of Cambodia and in the domestic court. He also worked as a Khmer Rouge Tribunal Monitor (Asian International Justice Initiative) and Project Officer at Destination Justice. He was the recipient selected among 10 ASEAN countries, who have been awarded a project granted by the US Department of State Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), with this award he has been selected to be the IOMX youth leader for International Organization for Migration, this will support him with the project called ASEAN Youth Ending Slavery. He was a MTV EXIT Youth Leader for Cambodia for which he organized local and national events to help raise awareness about human trafficking prevention. He graduated from the English Language based Bachelor of Law Program at Rule.