Dr. Lonn Pichdara

Dr. Lonn Pichdara is currently an Executive Director of My Village (MVi), a local NGO that is working with the indigenious peoples (IPs) communities in the northeastern parts of Cambodia (Stung Treng and Mondul Kiri provinces). It was founded in November 2006 to improve IP’s livelihoods and natural resource conservation. Ever since, MVi has become a recognized local NGO working for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Natural Resources Management. MVi encourages ownership and participation of IPs as its approaches to protect their land and natural resources. Currently, MVi is focusing on 1.) Building the linkages/network and capacity building of community-based organizations and Indigenous People Organizations, 2.) Community land & forest registration, 3.) Sustainable use of their natural resources, 4.) Capacity of community to adapt and mitigate the climate change/livelihood improvement, and 5.) Community-based action research.
Before joining MVi, Dr. Lonn Pichdara worked in the natural resource and environment program as a researcher at the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) in 2008. He graduated from the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science in 2006 and a master’s and Ph.D. degree in Forest Management from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2012 and 2018. His work experiences are policy-oriented research mainly on the forest, CBNRM, forest dependents, climate change, water, and other environmental and natural resource-related fields in Cambodia.