Takaya Terakawa

Takaya Terakawa is the founder of Technica Zen, Ltd. Technica Zen is a privacy and security consulting firm in Japan that fills the legal and technical gaps between theory and operationalization. Technica Zen is the one and only official training partner of the IAPP in Japan.
Takaya has a background in applied mathematics, programming, and risk management, with hands-on experience at a third-party certification body as an evaluator and auditor. In 2017, Takaya entered the field of data privacy when GDPR compliance activities were about to start. Since then, Takaya has been dedicated to promoting data privacy to the general public by exchanging information with professionals around the world and educating new members of this world.
Takaya has authored three books on data privacy, including one that focuses on Chinese data-related laws. Takaya is also known as an online safety advocate and actively promotes awareness of digital skills required in the digital society.